Behamics Flow

Behamics Flow

Save time in analytics and see why your revenue is up or down

Trusted by Brands Worldwide

Behamics Flow

Save time in analytics and see why your revenue is up or down

Trusted by great companies

Understand the behavioral patterns in your store

The behamics platform tracks everything that happens in your store. Our AI platform makes sure that you are informed on what it’s changing and why.

Maximize efficiency through time saving analysis

Every employee gets the overview that is relevant to them whenever they need it. Save time in analysis and set the right priorities.

Behamics delivers
results in real-time

Results validated with
continuous A/B testing

0 %

Net Revenue

0 %

Fewer Cart

0 %

Product Returns

The developed measures have increased the conversion rate and boosted sales of complementary services significantly."

Matthias Schulze
Head of Service & Customer Experience

Prevention is more efficient and
cost effective than Recovery

Prevention is more efficient and cost effective than Recovery

Behamics is Platform Agnostic

A single line of code is all it takes