Behamics Nudge

Prevent Cart Abandonments and Product Returns

70% of carts are abandoned due to behavioral barriers or customers feeling overwhelmed by choice

Trusted by Brands Worldwide

Prevent Cart Abandonments and Product Returns

70% of carts are abandoned due to behavioral barriers or customers feeling overwhelmed by choice

Trusted by great companies

Harness Behavioral Science to Drive Behavior

Behamics combines AI and Behavioral Psychology to intelligently nudge customers while onsite to help them make a (conscious) decision, without providing coupons, sending emails or SMS.

Leverage Science-backed Persuasion

Nudges are based on heuristics and biases of Behavioral Science. Our self-learning system anticipates those behavior patterns and uses the right psychological mechanisms that resonate with the customer in each situation.

Reduce Product Returns and Increase Net Revenue

Customers decide to return products even before their purchase. Behamics nudges customers to avoid purchasing products with high probability of being returned.

No upfront cost

Unlike other services, you only pay when we generate additional revenue for you, otherwise it’s free. Guess what, Nudge performs A/B testing all the time, not just during PoC.

Behamics delivers
results in real-time

Continuous A/B testing
achieves validated results up to

0 %

Net Revenue

0 %

Fewer Cart

0 %

Product Returns

The developed measures have increased the conversion rate and boosted sales of complementary services significantly."

Matthias Schulze
Head of Service & Customer Experience

Prevention is more efficient and
cost effective than Recovery

Prevention is more efficient and cost effective than Recovery

Behamics is Platform Agnostic

A single line of code is all it takes