
Boost sales with product

performance insights

Identify and understand all the internal and external factors affecting product performance.

Trusted by enterprise clients

Increase revenue by understanding product performance

Internal Factors

Understand how inventory gaps, reviews and ratings, and lack of quality product images affect product performance.

External Factors

Learn how market trends, competitor actions, weather, and more affect product performance.

“A software company
pioneering its market”

Boost sales

Uncover new sales opportunities with detailed product performance insights. Optimize offerings, target key customer segments, and drive growth.

Demand Prediction

Accurately predict demand and gain actionable insights to optimize stock levels and prevent inventory gaps.

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"The uplift has been really significant since we started working with Behamics."

Jan Cahlik

Team Leader
of Shop Management

Improve product performance with one click

Sit back and let automations handle the heavy lifting!

Revenue Protection

Simplify checkouts and block disruptive coupon extensions to protect and increase revenue.

Product Display

Show the most relevant product images and strategically order carrousel items to improve customer experience and increase AOV.

Product Guard

Hide problematic products and maintain sharp site appearance to protect and improve reputation.

Merchandise delivers results

More Revenue
0 %
More Conversion
0 %
Less Bounce Rate
0 %

“A unique pricing model
based on performance
rather than flat fee”

Proven impact on global brands

See how Behamics makes a difference by delivering real results to real customers.

Merchandise integrates with

one line of code

“Pushing the boundaries of AI applications in eCommerce”

“Behamics Conducts The World’s Largest Experiment on Product Returns”

“A unique pricing model based on performance rather than flat fee”

Increase revenue with dynamic and intelligent nudges

Optimize website performance with patented AI

Boost traffic using AI to estimate SERP rankings

Drive sales with advanced product performance insights

Ad Copilot

Coming soon

Reduce ad costs by optimizing every aspect of ad campaigns


Improve conversions with automated CX optimizations

Leverage Behavioral Science and AI to drive revenue

Seamless integration with your existing tools and platforms

Effortless implementationwith a pixel

Advanced AI algorithms to optimize performance

Protecting customer data with transparency and trust

Explore our partnerships and collaborations

Explore opportunities to
grow with us

Keep up with eCommerce trends and insights

Listen to conversations on AI, Behavioral Science and eCommerce growth

Success stories from businesses using our platform

See news, features and industry coverage of our innovative platform

Discover the story behind our innovation

Explore opportunities to grow with us